0 An introduction to seven layer monuments of the early Old Kingdom: minor step pyramids or archaic benbens
مقدمة لدراسة اهرام الطبقات ال 7 فى العصر المبكر للدولة القديمة
The successive discovery of the layer monuments: Sinki, Elephantine, and el Ghenimiya brought the total to seven and realised the birth of a new branch of pyramid science in Egypt. Gunter Dreyer investigated the layer monument at Elephantine, I investigated the layer monument at Seila, and together we investigated Sinki. These three investigations gave more information than we had had on Hebenu, Nubt, and el Kula while el Ghenimiya remains untouched!
References: Home library; publication pending |
1 Masonry
مواد البناء و مصادرها
Stone sources are accessible and transportation by barges on the river enabled the ancient Egyptians to achieve their monumental wonders. There are large blocks and megaliths from far away quarries are found at 2 burial chambers and unidentified limestone megaliths at the sed festival court of the step pyramid complex
References: Home library; publication pending |
2 Planning and building, minor step pyramids or archaic benbens
التخطيط و البناء
I believe that a layer monument is an early stone building designed by architects who followed a canon, and was achieved by experienced masons. The project was supported and controlled by the religious and the ruling authorities. Spaced far apart from one another, the layer monuments are generally similar but have some differences in details
References: Home library; publication pending |
3 The Architecture: minor step pyramids or archaic benbens
العمارة فى اهرام الطبقات
sloping angle of the embankment discovered was 28-30 downwards. There was
some trimming of the Pliocene conglomerate, to agree with this slope, 7.5 meters
east of the foundation edge and 2 meters north of the axis. West of the trimming
some brickwork was unearthed, four stretchers ran north south and three stretchers
at right angles the south end.
References: Home library; publication pending |
4 Reconstruction: minor step pyramids or archaic benbens
الشكل النهائى لاهرام الطبقات
They were designed to appear as: a step pyramid, a benben or some other expression we are unaware of. We are unable to decide how they eventually looked; because the surviving ruins can lend themselves to the shapes just mentioned.
References: Home library; publication pending
Home library; publication pending |
5 Seila: minor step pyramids or archaic benbens
هرم الطبقات سيلة
Because no major activities took place at the immediate site of the layer monument, it has been poorly published. The same information appears in pyramid books. D. Kessler however, had referred to a third to sixth dynasty necropolis at the wadi Fag El Gamous and Djebel El Rus location and a statue in Berlin, # 1858, comes from Seila.
References: Home library; publication pending |
6, 7, 8 Hebenu, Sinki, Nubt: minor step pyramids or archaic benbens
اهرام الطبقات زاوية الميتين, سنكى, نقاده
Histories of investigations, descriptions, plans, profiles and reconstructions
References: Home library; publication pending |
9,10, 11 el Kula, el Ghenimiya, Elephantine: minor step pyramids or archaic benbens
اهرام الطبقات الكوله, الغنيمية, الفنتين
Histories of investigations, descriptions, plans, profiles and reconstructions except el Gheminiya
References: Home library; publication pending |
Minor Step Pyramids (known and newly discoverd)
الاهرامات الصغيرة المعروفة و المكتشفة حديثا
References: Second congress of Egyptologists, Grenoble 1979 |
The BYU expedition to Seila; the pyramid of Seila locally called 'El Qalah'
رساله اخبارية عن موسم حفائر 1987
One of the stelae found was completely defaced; the otherbore the title of king of U and L EgyptHorus NebMaat, facing a cartouch containing the title king of U and L Egypt and the name Snofru
References: news letter season of 1987 |
هرم الطبقات - سنفرو - سيلة
Religious objects found seem to have been used in rituals performed at a north and an east chapel. These may help us understand the purpose of this monument. No indications of a substructure have been found
References: Abstract |
سيله - نظرة من أعلى لهرم الطبقات – سنفرو
The edifice was founded on a Pliocene conglomerate formation topping Djebel El Rus where five wadis descended to the Nile Fayum Divide to the east and the Fayum depression to the west
References: Zeichen aus dem Sand Streifl ichter aus Ägyptens Geschichte, zu Ehren von Günter Dreyer, Wiesbaden, 647, 2008 |
Reconstructions of the Layer Monument of Snfrw at Seila
الشكل النهائى لهرام سنفرو فى سيله
My subject presents one of the results of many years of research, which followed two
excavation seasons I voluntary conducted at the site of the layer monument of %nfrw at
Seila for the Brigham Young University in 1986 and 1987.
References: Festschrift Gaballa Aly Gaballa 2009 |
هرم الطبقات - سنفرو - سيلة عرض مصور
This presentation shows illustrated information on the details of this layer monument and evedince of the reasons of my reconstruction
References: presentation in library |
Die kleine Stufenpyramide von Abydos-Sud (Sinki)
هرم الطبقات , سنكى فى جنوب ابيدوس
The excavation report by Gunter Dreyer and Nabil Swelim
References: MDAIK 38 1982 83 |
The reconstructions of the Layer Monument Sinki
الشكل النهائى لهرم الطبقات سنكى فى حالة اتمام اليناء
This article will show that this layer monument was left unfinished. I shall
browse on its geographical location, the investigations hitherto achieved and suggests how it would have looked if it were finished. The results published in MDAIK 38 are the bases of the argument presented here.
References: Proceedings of the First Neapolitan Congress of Egyptology
Naples, 18-20th June 2008
Harrassowitz (Wiesbaden), 2010 |
اهرام الطبقات عرض مصور
showing the available informatio
References: A presentation at my library |
الأهرامات الصغيره و النهر
An article on 'The Step Pyramids' in a beautifully illustrated volume was recently published by Ali Radwan. This work will certainly refresh a lacking interest in the third dynasty. More of such images and ideas are needed.
References: SASAE, Cahier 34 vol II 377, 2005 |
LM for encyclopedia withdrawn
مقالات مسحوبة
References: |